Monday, August 8, 2011

The many faces of 7 week old Brooks Fisher....

Wow has time flown by! 7 weeks old already and only 3 more until I return to work (sigh....)
Brooks has grown so much and has such a little personality.
Here are some photos of our daily morning photo session.

Monday, August 1, 2011

6 weeks old!

Today Brooks Fisher is 6 weeks old and I had my first day back at Crossfit East Sac.
I knew getting back would be hard and that I would have lost a lot of strength-- but come on!
What little muscle I had has clearly turned to maternal storage tissue (aka. FAT) and my endurance is similar to that of an 89 year old with a walker! Regardless I made it through the WOD (very scaled) and didn't cry-- although I wanted to. I am happy to be back at CF and excited to get back in shape.

Friday, July 29, 2011

a day for daddy

Today we took a day trip to the Lagunitas Factory in Petaluma.
It was a surprise trip for Doug and I'm pretty sure he enjoyed it!!
We enjoyed a "tasting tour" -- rather Doug did-- in which he sampled 5 beers and we had a tour of the factory. An enjoyable family trip!!

Friday, July 22, 2011

wrap me up!

While pregnant we committed to using cloth diapers after the first week of life. Initially we planned on using g-diapers but the covers, liners and cloth inserts proved too much to handle-- well easily anyways.

So after 4 weeks of g-diapers we are trialing the Grovia AIO, Bumgenius Elemental AIO and Bumgenius 4.0 (pocket diaper). The AIO is wonderful- it has the environmental benefits of cloth with the ease of disposables!
The process is very easy.
Step 1. Put diaper on baby
Step 2. They soil it!!
Step 3. Take diaper off and throw in dry pail
Step 4. Put new diaper on baby!

As far as cleaning the diapers it is very easy. Because Brooks is 100% breastfed there isn't any special washing or scraping of poo needed. I simply empty the diapers into the washer. Do a pre-wash with cold, a regular wash with hot water and then an extra rinse with cold. Because it is Summer and I'd rather not use the electricity we hang the diapers outside to dry-- with the extra benefit that the sun naturally bleaches the stains out!

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

One Month Old!

Brook Fisher is one month old already- how did this happen?
The last month has been one big blur of trouble breastfeeding, lactation consulting, special bottles, pumping 24 hours a day, sleep deprivation and growing to love this little bundle of chub!
Having Brooks Fisher join our family has been the single most amazing event of our life.
Every moment spent with him just deepens our love.

Sunday, July 17, 2011

daddy's dream

a trip up to Loomis for Gus' birthday and Doug fell in love with their property... or rather POND!

Doug's dream for Brooks Fisher is to grow up in the country with a pond and land to run and play. maybe someday this will happen- but for now we just get walks around McKinley!

Monday, July 11, 2011

three whole weeks!

Somehow we have managed to keep this little bundle of love alive!

It has been a struggle and we still aren't having much success with breastfeeding. The Lactina has become my new BFF or maybe "frenemy"!?!

Playdate with Miles... or rather the Mommies watch L&O SVU and eat Jimboys!