Thursday, February 3, 2011

To blog or not to blog?

There are certain topics that make you question whether to keep them private or public. This is one of those.... Can you guess which route I'm taking?
Yesterday we were crushed to find out that my cervix is "short". Yes, I said short. Not tall, not lanky, not petite, not plump- but short. In one of my "over-reacting" moments I called the advice nurse because I was having cramping in my lower abdomen. It turns out- it was good that I called!
The OB informed me that my 20 week ultrasound was not all rainbows and butterflies, but that my short cervix could pose risks to our unborn child. Pre-term labor (or labor before 36 weeks gestation) is the number ONE concern. So as for now I am taking it easy. I can feel little "Scooter" moving around inside me- which is very reassuring- but I just want him to stay there!!
Tomorrow, we will go see a perinatologist at Kaiser Roseville and have a repeat ultrasound to measure my cervix again.... so for now I wait. The remainder of our pregnancy will be followed by High Risk OB (and a super paranoid and overly anxious mother- me!)