Our day began with checking in at Kaiser Roseville at 0500 on Father’s Day, June 19th, 2011.
Upon check-in I was already having contractions and was at 3cm- off to a good start! Our nurse Aubree was wonderful-- despite the fact that it took her co-worker THREE attempts to place an IV. Because we were already dilated to 3cm the doctor didn’t feel that we needed a medication to “ripen” my cervix and could go straight to beginning Pitocin to “enhance” my contractions.
At 0705 the Pitocin was hung and I thought that things would progress rather fast. I mean, I was already at 3cm and according to the doctor the slowest part is getting to 4cm. My nurse was titrating the Pitocin to intensify my contractions and things were going well. I was able to breath through them, listen to music, watch a couple-- ok maybe 4-- episodes of Sex and the City and the movie Knocked Up. Life didn’t seem too bad!
At 2145, Dr. Appletree (aka. Resident Big Hands) checked me again-- and I was still 3cm!! I absolutely couldn’t believe it and was devastated. She decided at that time to “break my water” to speed my labor/dilation. What an experience that was! Immediately what was manageable labor became unbearable. Doug, Allisun and Krystle did an awesome job at distracting me and trying to keep me breathing. Prior to going in for the induction a pact was made- I believe my words were “Under NO circumstance will you allow me to get an epidural. The pain means something and will not kill me. I can do this.”
Sitting on my birthing ball with 30-45 SECONDS between contractions and a Pitocin drip at 24 mU I had changed my mind. It was not an easy decision- I felt like a quitter. I had taken the classes, read the books, listen to the CD’s and mentally prepared myself for labor. I went in knowing that I could do this... apparently not! I looked to my support group and said “I think I want an epidural. Am I quitting?” Not one person said “no”. Although Pitocin is said to “augment” your natural contractions this was not a fair fight. The contractions were so strong and so close I didn’t even have time to change positions between them or relax my body-- let alone think “loose and limp”.
It was 0145 and there I was, sitting on the bed with Doug in front of me getting an epidural. My favorite memory was the Nurse Anesthetist saying “I can do this if you just slouch down” MID contraction-- after his 3rd poke-- with a needle in my back.
Twenty minutes later I was ok with his seamlessly random poking when I was blissfully pain-free.
Let me just say, that bliss was short lived. Less than an hour later I was fully aware of all things going on within my body. At the time I was slightly angry-- I had broken down and given in-- and I was still in pain?? According to the Anesthetist “everyone reacts differently and not everyone gets completely numb”.
Looking back this was a good thing. I still felt every contraction to the point where I had to focus, relax and breathe through them. I was able to position myself in bed AND move my legs. I didn’t have that “dead body” feeling so many women speak of when talking about their labor experience.
“5 centimeters?!? Your joking!!” that was my response when checked at 0440.
Yes- nearly 22 hours after being induced. At this time, Krystle and Allisun had been sent home and Doug was trying to get a little sleep. I was on my own.
I was attempting to use the breathing techniques learned (mainly TO BREATHE) and focus on being “loose and limp”. Let’s just say this wasn’t the easiest task.
0600 rolled around and I was finally 7-8cm-- making progress! Somehow it had taken me nearly 22 hours to go from 3 to 5cm, but then only an hour and a half to move 2-3cm. I was elated!!!
“Well I think it’s time to push” said Alexis our awesome labor nurse at 0925. She had checked me and I was ready-- which was something that I oddly already knew.
I was terrified, according to the doctor earlier it is usually 1-3 hours pushing for a first time delivery. Alexis called the MD, got me set up and we were ready.
I pushed for 20 minutes which was oddly the easiest part of my labor process! Having a mirror so that I could see what was going on, an amazing support team and a great labor nurse made this a positive experience.
Finally, Brooks was here!!! He came out perfect-- (APGAR 8 and 9 Yes, Nurses I know you were wondering) He had a full head of hair and was beautiful. My perfect little boy!
Brooks Fisher Muraki
Born at 0947. Weighing 6 lbs 15 oz and 20.5” in length.
(and yes, I wrote this the night we delivered!)
Upon check-in I was already having contractions and was at 3cm- off to a good start! Our nurse Aubree was wonderful-- despite the fact that it took her co-worker THREE attempts to place an IV. Because we were already dilated to 3cm the doctor didn’t feel that we needed a medication to “ripen” my cervix and could go straight to beginning Pitocin to “enhance” my contractions.
At 0705 the Pitocin was hung and I thought that things would progress rather fast. I mean, I was already at 3cm and according to the doctor the slowest part is getting to 4cm. My nurse was titrating the Pitocin to intensify my contractions and things were going well. I was able to breath through them, listen to music, watch a couple-- ok maybe 4-- episodes of Sex and the City and the movie Knocked Up. Life didn’t seem too bad!
At 2145, Dr. Appletree (aka. Resident Big Hands) checked me again-- and I was still 3cm!! I absolutely couldn’t believe it and was devastated. She decided at that time to “break my water” to speed my labor/dilation. What an experience that was! Immediately what was manageable labor became unbearable. Doug, Allisun and Krystle did an awesome job at distracting me and trying to keep me breathing. Prior to going in for the induction a pact was made- I believe my words were “Under NO circumstance will you allow me to get an epidural. The pain means something and will not kill me. I can do this.”
Sitting on my birthing ball with 30-45 SECONDS between contractions and a Pitocin drip at 24 mU I had changed my mind. It was not an easy decision- I felt like a quitter. I had taken the classes, read the books, listen to the CD’s and mentally prepared myself for labor. I went in knowing that I could do this... apparently not! I looked to my support group and said “I think I want an epidural. Am I quitting?” Not one person said “no”. Although Pitocin is said to “augment” your natural contractions this was not a fair fight. The contractions were so strong and so close I didn’t even have time to change positions between them or relax my body-- let alone think “loose and limp”.
Twenty minutes later I was ok with his seamlessly random poking when I was blissfully pain-free.
Let me just say, that bliss was short lived. Less than an hour later I was fully aware of all things going on within my body. At the time I was slightly angry-- I had broken down and given in-- and I was still in pain?? According to the Anesthetist “everyone reacts differently and not everyone gets completely numb”.
Looking back this was a good thing. I still felt every contraction to the point where I had to focus, relax and breathe through them. I was able to position myself in bed AND move my legs. I didn’t have that “dead body” feeling so many women speak of when talking about their labor experience.
“5 centimeters?!? Your joking!!” that was my response when checked at 0440.
Yes- nearly 22 hours after being induced. At this time, Krystle and Allisun had been sent home and Doug was trying to get a little sleep. I was on my own.
I was attempting to use the breathing techniques learned (mainly TO BREATHE) and focus on being “loose and limp”. Let’s just say this wasn’t the easiest task.
0600 rolled around and I was finally 7-8cm-- making progress! Somehow it had taken me nearly 22 hours to go from 3 to 5cm, but then only an hour and a half to move 2-3cm. I was elated!!!
“Well I think it’s time to push” said Alexis our awesome labor nurse at 0925. She had checked me and I was ready-- which was something that I oddly already knew.
I was terrified, according to the doctor earlier it is usually 1-3 hours pushing for a first time delivery. Alexis called the MD, got me set up and we were ready.
I pushed for 20 minutes which was oddly the easiest part of my labor process! Having a mirror so that I could see what was going on, an amazing support team and a great labor nurse made this a positive experience.
Finally, Brooks was here!!! He came out perfect-- (APGAR 8 and 9 Yes, Nurses I know you were wondering) He had a full head of hair and was beautiful. My perfect little boy!
Brooks Fisher Muraki
Born at 0947. Weighing 6 lbs 15 oz and 20.5” in length.
(and yes, I wrote this the night we delivered!)
Congrats Amy! I am so proud of you!! You did a fantastic job! Love you and Miss you lots!!