Wednesday, February 16, 2011

desperately seeking...

Pre-pregnancy I had the drive, motivation and desire to stay in the "Zone" and actively made Crossfit part of my everyday life. But these days, it seems like the only motivation I have is to EAT!!
So how do I get it back? A thorough cupboard cleaning? No more dining out? ??????
The most important job I have at this point in my life is being the best host to the little guy I have growing inside me. Which means feeding him the best foods, keeping active and staying positive.
So here comes a new leaf folks, starting today I will be doing just that!!
Crossfit 3 days a week, something active the other 4 days a week and eating better....
at least until that Girl Scout cookie order arrives!


  1. thats the stuff Amy! just get er done! you should come by our box Emily is 7 months and would love a guest mommy wod with you!
