Thursday, March 31, 2011

day five

Doug came home from work today- who knew two days could be so long??
Doug continued working on the house, while I supervised from the comfort of my lawn chair!
I will post updated house pics soon- I'm thinking a big "before and after" blog post.
I have to say, having Doug home with me makes my world a happier place :)

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

day four

I must admit- today has been a pretty good day!!
We woke up and saw Doug on the news today- so proud of him...

and Brooks got excited!!

We did our new "usual"- got caught up on last nights episodes of Sex and the City, Facebook and checked out the CFES page.
Heather was sweet and brought over lunch (yummy 33rd St Bistro Chop-Chop!) and then us girls laid in the sun-- who said bed rest had to be indoors?? Here is a picture of me in a swim suit- I figure someday I will laugh at this (today it made me want to cry).
27 weeks 3 days

I've now decided that when I feel lame and lazy about being on bed rest I will just think about the wonderful and happy little guy I am growing inside of me. I can't wait to meet him (but not for at least another 2 months!!!) How cute will he be in his swim diaper that arrived today?!?!

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

three days

We've been on house arrest for 3 (ok 2.5) days now and I think I'm already going batty!
The first day it was hard to get used to being supine, the second day I wanted to help with everything Doug was doing (thank you Krystle for coming over and helping him!!) and today? Well, can depression set in this soon??
This morning Brooks and I had an appointment at Kaiser for Antepartum Testing (fetal monitoring, an Ultrasound to check amniotic fluid levels and blood pressure check). Brooks did great (yeah, he is a rock star!!), our fluid levels were perfectly normal and my blood pressure was good!
The nurse I saw was ummmm... less than friendly? Apparently you normally don't "meet criteria" for monitoring until you are 32 weeks (28 weeks at the earliest). Let me see, we are 27 weeks and THREE days and yet we are "too early". Wow!!  The nurse didn't want to do the monitoring but was nice enough to say "well, you are already here so we can do it, but I will be talking to the doctor about your Friday appointment". Are you serious?!?
She said that based on our little guys heart rate accelerations during the monitored period he is "probably older than 27 weeks"-- I have NO idea how you can tell this, but ok... And he is currently breech, this little dude better flip around (he still has weeks to do this) because a c-section is not in my future!!

After our appointment we came home to wait for the Comcast guy to install cable in the bedroom (thank you Doug for setting this up!!) and he actually arrived ON TIME! Ellen, Miles and I hung out in bed and looked at things online and talked (Ok, Miles may have slept a little) while he set things up and now here I lie....

As I write this I can't help but feel guilty. Guilty because I should be at work. We have a child on the way and here I lie doing nothing. Guilty because there are a million things to do around the house. Everyday that Doug is off he has something to do- now he has even more! Guilty because I am apparently not a good host. We are going twice a week to make sure I am not harming our unborn child with my blood pressure. Guilty because I am already a bad Mom! At this point my only job is to keep him warm, safe and well nourished. How hard can that be???

Monday, March 28, 2011

taking it.... lying down?

Last night after a little visit up to Labor and Delivery "we" (Brooks and myself) were put on complete bed-rest! Yes, you heard me- COMPLETE BED-REST! Apparently my blood pressure has been too high and I need to take it easy for a while. At this point they have written me to be off work "until cleared for return by OB" but I was told to not plan on going back until after delivery.
So what does this mean I wonder? Bed-rest until I deliver just seems absurd!! For now we are getting cable installed in the bedroom tomorrow- can anyone say Sex and the City and Glee marathons?!?
During this little event Brooks has been doing wonderful- his heart rate has great variability (meaning at this time he is not being affected by my blood pressure) and was kicking like the crazy kid he always is.
Doug has been wonderful but is a little confused by the whole "laying flat" idea.
We saw my OB this morning and have been scheduled for antepartum testing twice a week from now until infinity (or so it seems) with OB appointments every 2 weeks. 
This pregnancy seems to be one roller coaster ride after another- but I couldn't be happier. I love being pregnant and having my little guy so close. Every kick is a reminder of the little life Doug and I have created together- now if only he'd stop giving me such a hard time!!

Saturday, March 5, 2011

24 weeks

So I'm a little behind on the updates... but everything is going GREAT!!
Our little guy is doing great, growing strong and staying put!
We took a little trip down the street to Ellen's photo studio (aka. her living room) for our monthly photo.
Wow... I am getting big!

This whole journey is so exciting and we can't wait to meet our little....... Brooks!