Wednesday, March 30, 2011

day four

I must admit- today has been a pretty good day!!
We woke up and saw Doug on the news today- so proud of him...

and Brooks got excited!!

We did our new "usual"- got caught up on last nights episodes of Sex and the City, Facebook and checked out the CFES page.
Heather was sweet and brought over lunch (yummy 33rd St Bistro Chop-Chop!) and then us girls laid in the sun-- who said bed rest had to be indoors?? Here is a picture of me in a swim suit- I figure someday I will laugh at this (today it made me want to cry).
27 weeks 3 days

I've now decided that when I feel lame and lazy about being on bed rest I will just think about the wonderful and happy little guy I am growing inside of me. I can't wait to meet him (but not for at least another 2 months!!!) How cute will he be in his swim diaper that arrived today?!?!

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