Wednesday, June 22, 2011

going home...

It felt like the two days after delivery we had to stay in the hospital lasted a lifetime...
With everything checking out ok for Brooks Fisher to be discharged we packed up to hit the road!
Brooks bilirubin is still high so we will need to bring him in daily for blood draws-- but at least we can sleep in our own bed.

I must admit as a new Mom I had my fears about going home. Not so much that I needed the nurses, because you rarely see them anyways, but because we were expected to care for this tiny human! It amazes me that people have babies without being educated-- I know more about caring for a newborn than half of the new moms coming into my work-- and I was paralyzed with fear.

 What if I don't know what to do? What if he doesn't stop crying? What if he won't take the bottle? What if I'm a horrible Mom? I guess only time will tell.... but you really should need a license to have a child!

ready to roll

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