Tuesday, April 5, 2011

and the besdrest continues....

This morning we had our bi-weekly Antepartum Testing at Kaiser Point West.
They measured our fluid levels: 13.6 (normal 10-25) and monitored Brooks' heart rate: 130-160's.
He is doing just perfect- except for the fact that he refuses to stay still during monitoring and is STILL breech! We still have time for him to flip- 28 weeks 2 days today- but the sooner the better!!
For now nothing has changed, my midwife had said that if my blood pressure was doing well I could move around a bit more this week. But my blood pressure was 149/73 today (crazy high for bedrest!)

This afternoon was pretty exciting and packed with friends!!
Ellen brought over a delicious lunch from Orphan and then the 3 of us (Miles, Ellen and myself) caught up on some very interesting Law and Order SUV re-runs.
Heather came over and brought delicious frozen yogurt and an iced tea (and the Law and Order SVU continued) and we talked until she had school..... Bedrest with awesome friends may turn into the need for fat camp one day!

And then to end the day, Jen and Stella stopped by with some goodies for Brooks. Stella is getting so big and is ADORABLE!! I think her little visit has helped me with learning what areas of our home need some baby proofing- haha!  Thank you again Jenn for the awesome baby stuff!!!!!

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